Here's Why You Should Never Drink Coffee on an Empty Stomach

What is the first thing you do in the morning? Different people have different routines. Some start the day with a shower, some hit the snooze button and sleep until the last minute, and others drink a big cup of coffee in order to open their eyes.

Let’s face it, most of us can’t even imagine starting the day without a cup of coffee, whether it is black, with or without sugar and cream or whipped cream. It gives us energy to go through the day and makes us more alert. And it tastes good.

Despite its taste, coffee has a lot of health benefits, such as providing protection against liver disease, reducing constipation and increasing longevity.

Moreover, coffee can provide protection against type 2 diabetes; reduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, reduce the risk of a heart attack and lower the rate of depression among women.

However, if you drink it on an empty stomach, it can actually cause you more harm than good.

The consumption of coffee on an empty stomach can make you feel sick i.e. cause an intestinal discomfort. It can also increase the symptoms of anxiety.

One study that was published in a German medical journal, confirmed that both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee increases the production of stomach acid, which leads to additional problems with the digestive system, such as indigestion, heartburn, and even damage of the stomach lining.

Although it is already known that coffee can make some people jittery, its consumption on an empty stomach can increase additional symptoms of anxiety such as heart rate and irritability.

Of course, this is not always the case. Some people drink coffee on an empty stomach and are perfectly fine. But, if you do have some of these symptoms then there is something that you can do to ease them – eat something before you drink your first cup of coffee, or drink a large glass of water.

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